20 June 2010

Auto Rickshaw Adventures

The yellow-on-top, green-on-bottom buggy is called an auto rickshaw and is fundamentally awesome.  My experience in riding them is one part Valley Fair ride, one part taxicab.

A note on Bangalore traffic rules: lanes are a loose guideline of where the road divides and each lane's actual width is open to the interpretation of anyone driving.  Passing on the left while dodging oncoming traffic is not just common occurrence... it is necessary to reach your destination safely.

Rickshaw drivers take one look at me and jack up their price.  Poor Sudhir has to haggle them down or wait for a reasonable rickshaw every time we use one (which has only been three or four times so far on the trip).  Nonetheless, the trip is always a bumpy, fast adventure as I watch the world of Bangalore fly by.

Pictures from the Auto:

1 comment:

  1. Julie, I have a feeling that you are quite terrified during these car rides... :P
