08 June 2010

One Week to Go

It's almost time to leave!  One week from today I'll be traveling to India.  By myself.

Almost everything is in order.  Passport? Check. Visa? Check. Sunscreen? I'll buy some before I leave.

My hosts are the Selvaraj family, who live just outside Bangalore.  Their youngest son, Sudhir, is a classmate of mine at Concordia.  Sudhir's dad, David, runs a nonprofit organization near their home called Visthar, where I will be staying during my trip.

I was speaking with Sudhir on Skype a few days ago when he asked me if I was nervous to arrive in India.  The truth is most of my anxiety about this trip comes from the plane ride -- I usually fly with white nuckles and sedatives in hand.  Once I arrive, the trip can only go up hill.

The trip to Bangalore will consist of two flights: a Delta flight from Minneapolis to Paris, and an Air France flight from Paris to Bangalore.  Both will be a little over 9 hours.  Joy.  Hopefully the trip will be smooth -- both in the air and at the airports.  I should arrive in Bangalore at 11:45pm (their time... Minnesota time will be 1:15pm) after traveling for almost 24 hours.

For now, I'll be plotting the most convinient arrangement in which to pack my suitcase.  I may need to e-mail Sudhir a few thousand times between now and when I leave to determine what I do/not need.

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