23 June 2010

Meet Glenn

There is a gecko trapped between my window and the screen that is fastened by Velcro (snuggly) around it, and I have named him Glenn.  For those of you who know me well enough to know my admiration of lizard, snake, worm, or bird-like animals, you know that I intend to keep him trapped inside the window until he dies... poor little guy.

You should also know that I'm 95% sure there's a bat living in my ceiling... I have now heard him flying around two nights in a row, and have found suspect ceiling and [minimal] excrement fragments in my room.  I have yet to name this bat, because I hate him.

When I get back to my room each night I have a momentary freak out, because I either hear the damned bat, or cannot see Glenn in the windowsill anymore and am convinced he is in my bed (no worries, he's still in the window the last I checked).


  1. OMG Julz, I laughed so hard at this entry I was crying. Stay strong. I also killed an avenging gecko while living in Hawaii. The details I will share with you when you get home. Mom

  2. Hi Jubee, That was a great entry. I am so enjoying your posts. You still have a great sense of humor - you need it!! We also had a visitor in Hawaii; a cockroach (YUK) We tossed off the lanaii on the 17th floor. Hope he had a good flight. HA! Keep posting and we;ll keep reading. Love Ya - Aunt Nancy

  3. LOL...so funny... when I was still pregnant I was laying in bed and saw a giant bug crawl out of the air vent in the ceiling.... these giant bugs are everywhere in GA and they are called Palmetto's(sp?) ... I don't care what flowery name you give them they look like 2" long cockroaches (without the antenas)... I was freaking out... I made Cyrus go up there and get it and it escaped back into the vent which we then closed and never opened again.....
    I hope your taking lots of pictures :) .. Talk to you soon! Megs

  4. Julie, you are such a goon. The poor lizard probably hates you :P and it's doing lizard voodoo on you while you're sleeping, and pretty soon you're gonna wake up with a horn growing out of your back...cause that's what lizards do, trust me. Just thought I'd let you know
