22 June 2010

Busy Busy Busy

A general recollection of my Monday and Tuesday:

In the morning I hang out at Visthar, working on projects, until Siddarth picks me up around 11:30 or noon.
Signs on the entry to Visthar's road

 From Visthar, we go to Sudhir's mom's school, a school for children with differential learning styles. I began teaching creative writing there on Monday. As of right now, my classroom plan is to write a play.  Siddarth, who just got his MFA in Film Production from Boston University, will help the students use what they write to perform for their parents in about a month.  In the meantime, we are helping them create characters, conflict, and dialog.  

I finish teaching around 2pm, eat a fabulous lunch sent over from Visthar with some combination of Sudhir, Siddarth, and Mary (their mom) joining me, and then Sudhir and I work on our research project.  

... a summation of our research project in 30 seconds (of typing) or less... GO:

Sudhir and I are compiling interviews with Indian scholars and members of the community about Gandhi.  Our aim is to broaden our audience's (which is Concordia) knowledge of Gandhi's contribution to India, so his influence on Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement further explored.  We will be presenting at our schools's Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration in January 2011.  

... OK, that was a minute and 15 seconds of typing... but I hope you get the point. 

Pause for a story: on Tuesday, Sudhir and I spent the afternoon working on interview questions (we have around 8 interviews we're hoping to accomplish) while listening to Y94 (Fargo's Top 40 radio station) on the internet.  I know what you're thinking, and yes, we are that cool.

After we work in the afternoons, we go to the Renegade Amateur Theater Society (RATS) meeting until around 8pm. RATS is lead by Siddarth and they're organizing/preparing a play for August.  While I'm here, I'll be helping them out with a press release, website stuff, and other PR-type work.

Once RATS is finished, we head to Sudhir's house and have dinner with his mom and relax for a couple of minutes before I go back to Visthar for some sleep.


  1. Thanks for sharing your adventures. Your dad is proudly sharing your blog. L Anderberg

  2. Wow, remember all smells, sounds, sights and tastes. They will be remembered at the oddest time throughout your life; and bring you back to India!
    Love Mom

  3. How did you like teaching? Glad to hear you enjoy it. Not surprised in the slightest!
